What are the Essential Car Accessories and How to Get Them at a Cheap Price

Owning a car is a necessity. It makes moving around much easier for you. You don’t have to worry about missing your bus or stop or even been stranded at the bus station because you were late.

It might be more expensive to purchase a car, but it is even more expensive to maintain and keep your car in great shape. Most people worry about the engine of their cars, while this is important there is also the need for the exterior and interior of your car to be in great condition.

Keeping your car in great condition both internally and externally takes having some car accessories which you must use regularly. Some of these accessories are a must have because they are what you would need it you ever found yourself in a situation where a mechanic or tow truck isn’t available. The following list of car accessories we will be looking at isn’t exhaustive but following best reviews guides they are the essential accessories which every car owner should have. These accessories are for the taking care of your car from your upholstery to your tires and even giving you directions to where you need to go. Let’s begin.

Covers for your seats

Protecting the upholstery of your car is very important. There is the possibility of stains on your seat if it is not covered or taken to a proper car wash to get the stain out. Even then, the satin might just be faint, and you would need to change the entire cloth. One way to keep your car looking new every day is to get seat overs. Remember, most cars have a high resell value, so the cleaner the car the better chance of you selling it is.

Floor mats

These are used to protect the floor of your car. When we walk outside, we are bound to track different kinds of dirt under our shoes. This dirt is then transferred into our cars. Depending on what you step on, it might end up giving your car a bad smell. Floor mats are designed for you to place your feet on when you get into your car. This way any dirt you track will transfer to the mat, which you can easily clean by taking out and vacuuming or shaking it.

Air freshener

Most times are cars are parked and locked for long hours. Even when parked in our garages after we get home from a long day at the office till the next day we have to go to work, the car would develop a musty smell. Air fresheners are important to keep the interior of your car smelling nice and also help prevent any foul smell from taking root in your car. You can choose any fragrance of your choice.

Jumper cable

One of the most frustrating situations you would find yourself as a car owner is your car refusing to start. You turn the key and it doesn’t fire up. Imagine stopping for a red light, turning off your car engine and it refuses to restart. Well, that’s why jumper cables are needed. If your battery is drained and need a jump to restart it, having this in your car will help you. It is far cheaper to jump start your car which is refuses to start than to get a tow truck to tow your car away. So, don’t wait till you find yourself in a tight situation, make sure you have a jumper cable ready.

Complete tool kit

This is a box you should have which will contain tools for screwing or unscrewing any part of your car. If you have a problem, say a lose bolt or nut in your car, it is one thing to recognise that the nut is loose, it is another to have the right tool to tighten it. Most cars come with some tools like jacks but having your own tool kit bought and arranged by you goes a long way.

A puncture repair kit

Your tyres are a very important part of your car, so they have to be in best working condition. If at any point in time you have a puncture, it is really helpful to have a puncture repair kit to fix it, most especially if you are in a place where to get a mechanic out would take time. Plus there is the added advantage of it been cheaper.

Like we stated earlier this list is not exhaustive. There are other essential car accessories which you have in your car but are not stated here. On the issue of where to buy these essentials at cheap prices, check out best reviews guide. Here you are sure to find all your car essentials from the best retail or wholesale stores around.

Remember that these accessories comes in different specifications. As much as all cars have tyres, engines and basically same components, the sizes might differ. The nuts on the tyres of a Toyota corolla would be a different size from those on a Honda pilot. So, if you find yourself in a situation where you don’t have the necessary tool for loosening a nut, not just any car which comes along can be of help.

It is good to keep in mind that ensuring your car is well maintained isn’t just for your every day use. The resell value of that car depends on you. Maintain the seat cloth by covering it, get a car cloth for wiping the car down after it sits idle for long hours and gets covered with dust or dew, make sure you have floor mats to protect your car from dirt tracked underneath footwear, make sure you have a good air freshener to keep your car smelling nice, your spare tyre is in good condition with no puncture holes. All this would help you make your life easier when you have them.

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