VPS Server vs Dedicated Server – 3 Differences you Should Know

When it comes to opting for web hosting services, most of the customers go for either VPS server or dedicated server. VPS server is getting popular these days as it allows to take space on a physical server according to the need. It allocates resources to every website on the same server. On the other hand, dedicated web hosting offers the entire server to a customer and one can utilize the resources allocated to him in whatever way one likes.

Over the course of time, VPS hosting has become popular all across the world which is reflected in the growth of the global VPS market. The introduction of many online VPS web hosting services has contributed to boosting this sector to a great extent. The excellent service of MasternodeVPS.com is one example which offers a broad range of VPS services to its customers. It provides a low-cost IPv4 service at an affordable price and recently, it announced mini VPS service at $3 monthly price.

Resource Allocation

In VPS hosting, a person shares all the resources with other people, whereas in the case of dedicated web hosting, full space is allocated to him. Opting for hosting on VPS has a lot of advantages like being very flexible when it comes to the number of resources a customer is supplied with. In the case of VPS hosting, you are often allocated “burst” power that allows you to exceed your set resource limits for a brief period of need. Whereas in the case of dedicated hosting, there is a physically imposed limit on the amount of resources allocated. VPS hosting offers the facility to hold a larger portion of a server’s hardware and one can have more resources. Because of the root access over the server environment, it is possible to install extra software.


VPS web hosting offers high security but it is not that secure in comparison to the dedicated server. On VPS server, a customer shares the same space with other people and hence one can be susceptible to risk due to other’s carelessness. Whereas in the case of dedicated hosting, the entire control is in the hands of an owner. Hence, a dedicated web hosting is more secure than the VPS web hosting. Both types of web hosting allow users to install their own security software however, the dedicated hosting offers more security controls.

Configuration and Customization

Both VPS and dedicated web hosting offer managed and unmanaged plans which can be adjusted on a monthly basis as per the requirements. In the case of VPS hosting, it is possible for you to increase your resources from other websites in case the monthly limits don’t meet your needs at some time. Whereas in the case of a dedicated server, it is not just the case.

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