How Technology can Help to Deal with Depression

Technology has been making a lot of advancement in the health sector and it has provided solutions to many health problems prevalent at a global level. One such subject which it has covered is mental health. Today, it has become possible to deal with mental health problems with the use of different technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. There are virtual psychiatrists available in today’s time due to which it has become feasible for patients to take an appointment to address their mental issues. In this post, we have discussed how technology is effective in dealing with depression.

Apps for Mental Well Being

On various app stores, there are plenty of health-based apps available which can simply help a person to maintain a healthy lifestyle. From physical fitness to mental well-being, one can download different health apps in order to ensure a good state of health. One can use apps based on mindfulness, memory improvement, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and meditation. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), one should only use such apps if the mental issue is acute and in other cases, it is mandatory to consult a mental health professional for effective treatment.

Virtual Reality Treatments

Many medical professionals are making use of exposure therapy in order to provide virtual reality treatment for mental health issues. Julian Jewel Jeyaraj, a technology expert has created an AI-based robot, JJAIBOT to deal with depression. It is spreading awareness about technology to the younger generation with the help of hip-hop music and accompanying music videos. JJAIBOT can detect signs of depression in pictures on social network and recommend activities to maintain a balanced mood to ensure a good mental health. With the use of predictive analysis, JJAIBOT helps to effectively notify about the required treatment for a particular mental health issue.

Behaviour Tracking and Risk-Finding Software

It is possible to track the behavior of a person with the help of technology and it is helpful in detecting the signs of depression in him. And many insurance companies have been making use of cloud-based software platforms to review electronic medical records to identify patients at risk of falling prey to mental health conditions like depression.

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