4 High-Tech Things You Can Do With Your Smartphone

Due to its widespread availability and an ever-growing app store, a smartphone has become an important tool in our day to day lives. The fact that more than 50% of web traffic now comes from smart devices clearly attests to that. So with that in mind, what are the awesome high-tech things you can be doing with one aside from browsing the web?

1. Use it as a controller for your vehicle

If you live in an area where the weather gets excruciatingly hot during daytime, you’re well aware of how much of a pain it can be to endure the heat before the air conditioning finally kicks in. The good news is, these kinds of hurdles are now a thing of the past. Thanks to apps like Viper SmartStart, it’s possible to control your car from anywhere and start the AC at any time. Did one of your friends forget something in the trunk? No need to hand over the keys and no reason to walk to the parking lot either – as soon as your friend arrives, you can unlock it from afar. You get the picture.

2. Check your heart rate

Now that social distancing is in full effect, many are finding the time they’ve never had before, some of which is spent exercising. If you need a quick reading of your pulse after running or an intensive workout, you can use one of the numerous apps to measure it by placing your finger on the camera. The way this works is through detecting color changes. So even if you’re not exactly a fitness enthusiast, you can measure your heart rate on different occasions (such as while calm and during exercising) to see how it compares. For those unfortunate enough to be suffering from cardiovascular disease, this will make it easier to keep it in check.

3. Experience the thrill of a casino from the comfort of your home

Now that we are forced do remain indoors due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to get our dose of socializing through other means. While Skype and other video conferencing apps are a great fit for the purpose, some may prefer more action-packed ways to spend their time such as playing at a casino. A live dealer session is bound to get your heart racing and craving for more. You can read more about it by clicking on the link provided, which is where you’ll also find the casinos that offer this cool feature. But in essence, the general idea is to simulate a real brick & mortar casino experience and make you feel as though you were there.

4. Measure an object’s dimensions

While measuring an object can easily be done with a ruler, who says we always have the luxury of carrying one in our back pocket, right? Since the smartphone can handle the task just fine, there is no reason to do it the old-fashioned way either. If you’re a smartphone user, check out EasyMeasure or one of the similar apps. After some initial calibration, you’ll be able to measure the dimensions of an object by holding it at an eye-level. The app will then proceed to make an accurate reading based on factors such as your position and the camera angle.


Have you found something that piques your interest? Make sure to download some of these apps and have some fun with them. You deserve it.

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